CITF Research Results

CITF Research Results2023-10-27T10:53:53-04:00

Canadian dentists reported low rates of psychological distress early in the COVID-19 pandemic

A CITF-funded study, published in Journal of Dental Research, reported low rates of psychological distress symptoms among Canadian dentists early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers did find that there was modest positive association between dentists’ stress levels, as measured through saliva hormone cortisol testing, and the number of COVID-19 cases in Canada.

June 22, 2023|Occupational groups|

Almost 80% of Canadian blood donors have infection-acquired antibodies against SARS-CoV-2

The latest CITF-funded seroprevalence report from Canadian Blood Services showed that approximately 80% of adult blood donors had infection-acquired seroprevalence in April, which is slightly higher than in March (78.8%). Younger donors (ages 17-24) continued to have the highest seroprevalence compared to other age groups.

June 22, 2023|General population studies|
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